Chinese porcelain art

                                      Chinese porcelain art

The aim of the program is to raise students’ awareness of Chinese culture.

Participants will inspect at the porcelain ware in the exhibition hall. Along with other achievements of Chinese culture, the focus will be on:  on the ancient and modern techniques of obtaining and processing porcelain, as well as painting products. They will hear some interesting stories and legends related to the topic. They will learn about the production of porcelain in different European countries and discover the differences and similarities with Chinese porcelain.

At the end of the program we offer a film about making and painting of porcelain. Also, as a creative task, they will have the opportunity to paint modern porcelain dishes with traditional Chinese ornaments.

    The program is intended for: V-IX class students.

      Duration of the program: 50-60 minutes.

      Time of holding: by prior arrangement

      Contact person: Ketevan Putkaradze-577 17 97 25

      Program Coordinator – Tamar Darchia